I've been on my own creativity journey for more than 20 years and have rediscovered my authentic soul as a result. Lately, I have felt moved to write a guidebook for the experience with exercises to help you on your own journey. I've also felt the need to share that content here as I go along. I've only just begun, but I hope that you will join me in that journey. If you've even found this page, you were meant to be here.

Course Curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome

    • In the Beginning

    • Explore - Dot Painting

    • Childhood Creativity

    • Explore - What was your childhood creativity?

    • Shutting the Door

    • Explore - Relive a Memory

  • 2


    • Seeing Through the Veil

    • Explore - Your Journey Starts Now

    • Explore - Paint Your Vision

  • 3

    Starting Out

    • Walking Along in Wonder

    • Explore - Forge Your Path

    • Explore - List Your Love

    • Explore - Take the First Steps

    • Choosing the Right Path

  • 4

    Getting Comfortable

    • An Easy Walk

    • Explore – What’s Whispering to You?

    • Ignoring the Whispers

    • Explore - Draw a Map

    • Explore - Start Practicing

  • 5

    The Appearance of Purpose

    • The Corkscrew Path

    • Explore: Draw a Dragon

    • Fighting Dragons

    • Explore: Face Your Fears

    • Explore: Choose Your Weapon

  • 6

    Entering the Clearing

    • Shrouded in Mist

    • Imagine - The Voice of the Muse

    • Explore: Do Nothing

  • 7

    Back on the Path

    • Surrender

    • Explore: A New Light

About the instructor

Chief Creativity Officer

Julie Brown Neu

Julie Brown Neu is a working artist and 15-year veteran of Corporate America who's been exploring Creative Play™ for over a decade. In that time, her play has evolved from providing needed stress relief while a full-time business consultant to art explorations that helped her find her voice as an artist. Today, Creative Play™ is an integral part of her art practice and an important source of inspiration. Julie holds degrees from the University of Virginia and Harvard University. She lives in Massachusetts with her family.

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